Saturday, November 19, 2011

First Batch

First off, let me apologize to ALL of my readers (and by "ALL"... I mean all zero of you.... because I have no followers because I haven't told my family or friends about the blog and because I either haven't popped up on the "Next Blog" tag or I'm just not appealing, but no worries) that I have been MIA for the past .... while.  I have been pretty busy and I haven't quite figured out how I'm going to squish blogging onto my daily list of junk I end up doing.

But anyways :)

I wanted to post pictures of my completed crocheting projects to date.  I will skip my very first creation, because let's face it .. it's the worst thing imaginable.  It was a baby blanket for a newborn nephew... but I haven't decided if I'm going to burn it or actually give it to him.  It's got a 50:50 chance...  The second thing I created was a bunny for the little girl that will be my Flower Girl in my wedding.  She's flat-out adorable, and pretty much the only little girl I can spoil with girlie stuffed animals. 

I also made her a cat, but it ended up being a pretty stupid pattern, but I'll post a picture anyways (just to toot my own horn).

Yep, that's right ... it's a leg-less, rounded ears cat...

This Thanksgiving is also another one of my nephew's birthdays, and his uncle is a big NERD, so he has gotten the poor, impressionable child absolutely HOOKED on Godzilla and King Kong and Ghostbusters and a plethora of other things.  But, anyways, whenever AJ sees a dinosaur, he calls it Godzilla, hence, I made him a stegasaurous hat and also a stuffed dinosaur.

If it were socially acceptable .. I'd TOTALLY wear the beanie...

I have two dogs (have I mentioned that already?).  Logan is a black and tan dachshund/chihuahua mix and Delilah is a corgi.  In addition to the stockings I made for myself and my fiance, I made each of them their own as well.  They are identical stockings, just Delilah's is red with a green pawprint and Logan's is green with a red pawprint.

This is my fiance's stocking:

And this is mine:

Yes, it's supposed to be a Christmas tree, even though it kinda looks like a bell... It literally kicked my butt and it was late when I made it, so I was beyond caring at that point.

If anybody wants the patterns, I can post them for you if you let me know which ones you want.  I haven't become... adventurous enough to come up with my own pattern (even though technically, I made myself a hat by winging it ... and it's not too terrible if I may say so myself :) )

In addition to being a crocheting fiend, I've ... not accomplished a whole lot else.  There may be a book here and there that I've read on my Kindle, but nothing noteworthy.  The Amazon people definitely were sneaky when they thought of the Top 100 Free list.  9 times out of 10, the free book that is totally readable and interesting is the first book in a series of books.  The catch (and the sneaky part) is that even though the first book was free, the remaining books in the series aren't.  Granted, they aren't arm-and-a-leg expensive, but if I fell for that trick every time, I'd be one broke girl...  There was one (or two) series that I actually really truly enjoyed enough to buy the other books in the series.  One thing that annoys me about series are that unless they have been published and the series is complete, I have to actually WAIT for the next book.  Let's just say I'm not the most patient person in the world...  With the series that I fell for, I ended up finding the author's blog so I follow her to be able to know when the next book comes out and to get updated.  It's handy. :)

Let's see... ooh! I did accomplish one thing this past week.  I re-read Breaking Dawn (yep, I'm a Twi-hard) and saw the midnight premiere on Thursday night.  It was a-mazing, but I'll spare all of you who I'm sure have already had people talk your ears off about it.  But, on a related note, I haven't gotten enough sleep since then.  I was only able to sleep for three hours Thursday night because I had to work on Friday, then I had to entertain my family that came to town for a football game, so I didn't get to sleep until late last night, then I had to wake up this morning and go to work again.  To be honest, I probably could have crashed when I got home from work, but I ended up going to a friend's house with my fiance to watch the game and almost falling asleep on their couch.  Came home.  And I STILL haven't gone to sleep.  I think I'm trapped in one the of those too-tired-to-sleep zones.  Which, I hope I'm able to break out of tonight, because I can't function next week at work with little sleep since it's going to be MADHOUSE (it seems like every evil cat in this state comes in right before Thanksgiving just to get my blood pressure up.  I don't know if you've ever experienced it, but one day, have a really big, really pissed off cat SCREAM at you, and your adrenaline with be pumping furiously for the remainder of the day.  Good luck sleeping after that...).  Then, Thanksgiving will be here before we know it, and that's a whole 'nother thing that will rob me of sleep.  (Not because I dread it or anything sad like that.  I just end up having to spend time with every single person I know in my hometown and I won't have a chance to put my feet up and relax on my vacation.)

Now that I don't feel guilty about not having blogged recently, I think I'll peruse the Top 100 Free list on Amazon... and I'll see what kind of traps I can fall into now. :)

Have a good night all, (one day, I'm sure I'll actually have somebody that will be reading this) & if I don't make it back before Turkey-day, Happy Thanksgiving :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

One of these days...

I titled this blog, "One of these days..." because it seems like I'm constantly starting or learning some new thing and then I make all of these plans which inevitably end up on the backburner or put on the top shelf in that corner cabinet that nobody every goes into.... but I digress... it's called "One of these days..." because I feel like I'm consistently saying, "One of these days I'm going to (fill-in-the-blank)."

Anyways.  I'll use this blog to keep track of various in-progress projects and whatever it is that floats my boat (that day at least) that I'm attempting to accomplish.  I'll provide links to crochet patterns used (if necessary) and hopefully post some pictures of completed projects or something similiar. 

For example, one of these days, I'm going to finish writing this novel that I started in, oh, I think it was 2009?  I took about a year hiatus from it because it seemed like I was always in this awful or depressed mood when I had time enough to write in it, and I definitely didn't want to be in that state of mind because I don't want my main character to go on a killing spree or something like that.  Her name is Anne.  I'm going to try to refrain from posting any actual knowledge or ideas I've come up with regarding this book, purely for selfish reasons.  I've had a few close friends read what I've got and they think it's good, but the little nagging paranoid voice in the back of my mind is constantly yelling, "WHAT IF THEY ARE JUST BEING NICE?!"  I'm sure all of you potential and/or published writers can attest to that very same voice in your mind, albeit yours might not be as loud or obnoxious as mine.  I've been debating on naming it, but I can't decide if it's an Alberta or a Bertha.  I kinda like them both... and here I am, digressing again...

Another "one of these days" of mine is one of these days, I'm going to go back to school and get another degree.  I have one (that I'm currently paying the student loans off on), but the thing is, I don't want to do anything with it.  Bachelor's of Science in Poultry Science... Yep... Chickens and turkeys and such.  Sure, the little day old hatchlings are adorable, but once you've spent two years roaming around a broiler chicken house with all of the litter dust and feathers and fending off aggressive chickens, you're pretty much scarred for life.  I wouldn't eat chicken for awhile.... but now that I think about it, nowadays I would rather eat chicken than let's say, pork chops.  I graduated back in 2010.  If I ever go back, which I do really want to do, I'll do an on-line program to get my Associate's in Applied Science in Veterinary Technology so I can take the stupid test so I can become licensed.  But, that's a whole 'nother blog.

(But for those of you interested in the abridged version, read on!)

I've been working as a veterinary technician for going on five years now, and I can't take the test to become licensed until I get the degree.  Which I think is completely bogus.  I mean, I already have one degree in the health sciences field, so why can't I just take the test?!  They used to have the rule that if you have five years of experience, that would work as a substitute, which is what I decided I was going to bank on, but alas, about a year or two ago, they took that little fall-back away.... turds...

Anyways.  One of these days, I'm going to get married!  Ooh, did I mention that?  Yep.  This girl right here has been engaged all of 69 days, and I already have the majority of the wedding planned.  No, it's not because I've been dreaming of my wedding since I was a little kid (I was a tomboy!), it's just because I'm a compulsive planner.  I plan everything.  Or...I make plans to make a plan to do something... and sometimes that thing is not always accomplished.  (Hey, I'm not a robot!)

Well, I think I'll call it a night.  I've listed a couple of things on my list of "One of these days.."  Stay tuned for potentially more!  One of these days, I might be back for more blogging!

(And by "might", I mean I totally will, I was just trying to be clever, but it's kinda late and I've had a long day and my brain isn't firing on all cylinders so please forgive.)