Let me start off by saying I'm a fan, and I can't wait until the final two books are released! If you've read the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Meade then you'll like this series. They are remarkably similar, but as the series progresses, the differences become more pronounced.
Book 1: Daimon (A Prequel)
This book was short and sweet, but I feel like it was definitely worth the read. There are a lot of prequel type books out there now that don't seem to mean much to the series, but I feel like this one helped lay a lot of groundwork. Granted, I double, then triple-checked to make sure it was indeed the first of the series because it literally jumps right into the Hematoi/Covenant world. It seems to pick up mid-story, but it wasn't a big deal. I was able to ride along and I wasn't too confused.
I have to say I did like Alexandria aka Alex's character. She was independent and not too whiney. You are almost immediately made aware of the fact that there was a boy she swooned after back when she was at the Covenant before her and her mother left. So, obviously, you're aware there is going to be a love aspect. I may be 26 years old, but I do enjoy reading these Young Adult novels that have chaste love triangles or what have you.
I felt like this prequel was a great way to introduce things, and it definitely reads like a cliffhanger. Lots of questions and themes are presented with no real resolution, so you have to continue the series to get any answers.
Book 2: Half-Blood
This novel follows Alex back to the Covenant where she has to go through rigorous training under the watchful eye of Adrian (who just so happens to be the swoon-worthy crush mentioned in Daimon). Now, obviously, this plot line is kind of played out. I'm the type of person who can sit through books like this even though I basically already know the storyline because I just enjoy reading as a whole. A friend of mine that I recommended this series to asked if it was like Vampire Academy and I told her at first yes, and she almost didn't read it due to the fact that she could not get over the whole class structure. I know, I know.. the half-bloods are trained for the sole purpose of protecting the pure-bloods, and yeah, I know, they get treated like crap, so why not just rise up and revolt against the pure-bloods since they treat you like crap. I mean, you are trained to kick ass, right? This is something that I can overlook. Some people may not. I am able to turn off that half of my brain that says, "hello?! you're complaining about it but you're not doing anything about it?!" I just sit back and enjoy, mostly because I know in the end, everything will be resolved. I have YET to read a book that begins like that and does not end where everybody is equal and happy, ect.
That all being said, this book follows the cliche plot line that so many people enjoy, but at the same time, so many people complain about being played out. The thing is, this plot line obviously sells books, (just like how the whole BDSM book scene EXPLODED after the Fifty Shades trilogy became a hit). People just need to get over it and either sit down and shut up and read or pick a different genre.
Book 3: Pure
This book introduces Seth, the Apollyon, (basically a half-blood that is gifted by the gods the power of all of the elements and the fifth, akasha) as more of a prominent character. Of course, by now, due to the not-so-subtle foreshadowing, you've figured out that Alex is going to become a major part of the Apollyon phenomena. This book is basically an outlet for Seth and Alex's relationship to grow, while Adrian and Alex's relationship takes a backseat. Adrian is trying to push Alex away since a relationship between a pure and a half is forbidden, but of course, he's uber-jealous of the growing fondness between Seth & Alex. Enter: another cliche plot line.
There is a lot of time spent preparing Alex for her testimony at the NY Covenant, which is basically where the head honchos get together and toot their own horns about being pure bloods, ect. There is a scene from one of the meetings where a pure and a half are on trial for their secret relationship, well, more like the half is on trial while the pure is shouting, "but I love you!" from the crowd. This is supposed to discourage Alex from continuously trying to pursue her and Adrian's frowned-upon relationship. It, of course, adds gasoline to the fire in the long run.
Book 4: Deity
"I'm afraid of becoming the second Apollyon!" <--- the theme of this book. Then of course there's Adrian saying, "No, don't worry, I won't let you turn evil." and then there's Seth saying, "Oh come on, it'd be fun and we'd be unstoppable."
I really did enjoy this book though, since it's back on the Adrian/Alex side of the love triangle. I'm not saying I did not enjoy learning more about Seth, but he kind of gives me the heebies jeebies some, what with basically attempting to force Alex to Awaken early or taking advantage of her to get a power-up from her Apollyon-ness.
Book 5: Elixir
This little smidge of a book is written from Adrian's perspective, and I'll be honest, my heart broke for the kid. Alex has Awakened and turned to the dark side! Her threats directed at Adrian are just downright mean. I have to give Adrian credit for not taking the things she says to heart and for making the hard decisions that he made in this one. If I try to put myself in his shoes, I find myself struggling just like he did.
Books to Come: Apollyon & Sentinel
Overall, I'm super happy I started reading this book, but I can NOT STAND waiting for books!! There's a reason I waited until this past summer to finally read the Harry Potter series!!
Kudos to Jennifer L. Armentrout for pouring her heart and soul into this series. Not-so-kudos to her for kind of ripping off of Vampire Academy. Like I said, as the series advances, it differentiates itself from the Vampire Academy series, almost wholly, but the first book is pretty much Vampire Academy but with a few splashes of Greek Gods and a sprinkle of Apollyon-ness. But overall, I did enjoy the series, and I have recommended it to others that like this genre. Now all I have to do is wait until March for the next book and FREAKING JANUARY 2014 for Sentinel!