Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hex Hall Series by Rachel Hawkins, Tidal by Emily Snow, Wallbanger by Alice Clayton

Over the past two weeks, I have read several books, a series here and there and stand alones when needed.  I started reading the Fifty Shades Trilogy but I haven't finished it.  I read the first two and then decided I needed a break. 

I read a really great book called Wallbanger by Alice Clayton.  It was definitely a knee-slapping funny book.  It follows a woman named Caroline who moves into a new apartment, and on her first night sleeping there, is woken up at a god-awful hour late in the evening/early in the morning to her next door neighbor banging on the wall. But, he's not knocking, or hanging up a picture, no sirree... he's banging a woman, and his bed is hitting the wall, which is in turn, banging on her wall.  Caroline and Mr. Wallbanger eventually become friends, and are exchanging witty quips the whole time, while simultaneously falling in love with each other.  Now, I wouldn't call this a spoiler, because this is how ALL BOOKS END.  However, I would totally encourage people to read this book, but it was indeed funny.  In fact, I told my boss to download it because I knew she'd like it.  I'm pretty sure I rated it 4 out of 5 stars on my Good Reads profile.  (It takes a super good book for me to give it 5 stars.)

I also read Tidal by Emily Snow.  It follows an almost-washed up actress named Willow who just gets out of a six month stint at a court ordered rehab.  (Whatever roxies are...)  She's immediately thrown into training for a movie, that'll hopefully be her saving grace.  In her movie, she has to be able to surf, so she takes surfing lessons from a local hottie that has an Australian accent.  ('Nuff said...)  I enjoyed this book, and can picture it becoming a movie that somebody like Miley Cyrus stars in, which may or may not be a bad thing.  If you're in the mood for some sexy humor, flirting, damaged people, and some self-esteem issues, this book is for you.

The Hex Hall series.  Instead of doing individual reviews for each book in the trilogy, I'll just sum them all up in one.  This trilogy was a quick, easy read.  Literally.  Each book is less than 250 pages and I was able to read them all in one day.  Granted, I had the day off and literally just laid in bed and read in front of my space heater cuddled up with my dogs, but still.  Some books take more brain effort to read, but not these.  The story was easy to follow and amusing.  Witches, fairies, shapeshifters, werewolves, and demons make up this trilogy.  It follows Sophie, her friends, and her love interest, Archer.  Sophie gets sentenced to finish her schooling at Hecate Hall, (aka Hex Hall) which is basically boarding school for magical screw ups.  Obviously, Sophie gets entangled in all sorts of conspiracies and bad news bears.  I enjoyed this trilogy.
(I know, you're thinking, this chick "enjoys" almost all books she reads, but trust me, there are some books that are torture for me to get through.  More on an example later.)

I started reading the Existence Trilogy by Abbi Glines.  GOD-FREAKING-AWFUL.  Those three words sum up the first two books.  I didn't even read the novella and the third and final book because I wanted to gouge my eyeballs out with a rusty spoon after reading just the first two.  It literally read like a 13 year old's diary, where she's retelling her love life.  Oh my god.  Just thinking about it makes me shudder.  If you're looking into some ways to torture yourself, pick up this trilogy.  And this makes me sad!  I really enjoy reading Abbi Glines' books.  But, I feel like maybe this trilogy was her first attempt at writing ... and she wrote them in junior high school ... while she had a learning disability.  The concept of the trilogy is great: a girl can see souls, ends up seeing Death, falls in love with Death who in turn falls in love with her, all the while dealing with a Voodoo Prince who has some weird claim on her.  Great concept, horribly poor execution.

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