Sunday, February 3, 2013

Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout review

Well, I finished book 2 in the Lux series.  I must say, I am fully appreciating one of the first book series that is about aliens that I have ever read.  There was one of other series I started that had to do with aliens, and to be honest, I can't even remember the name of the book, if that's any indication on how I felt about it.

Anyways, back to the book: This book introduces Blake, the inevitable third side to the love triangle.  Katy and Daemon have become linked due to a life altering event, but she's denying any sort of attraction between the two, attempting to chalk it up to their link.  The whole time I found myself screaming, "oh shut up you twit and kiss the man!" Katy was able to show a lot of restraint in preventing herself from throwing herself at this guy, but I found myself annoyed, because why can't she get over it?!  Yeah, he was pretty douchey at the beginning of their friendship, but now he's obviously trying to win you over.  I can understand the author did not want to fall into the "insta-love" category with these two, which is very commendable, but hot damn, I was getting antsy waiting on those sparks to fly. 
Katy begins to discover that she has somehow changed after the life-altering event, and is now able to move things without touching them, ect.  A big light bulb would have gone off the first time my locker opened without me touching it, but she tries to explain it off as drafts and whatnot.  The relationship between Katy and Daemon is doused a little when Blake enters the picture, but smolders on the sidelines.  I kinda wish I could read a book series that did not involve a love triangle, but I feel like it's part of what keeps people interested.  And, a new theme has been added into the story: the DOD is kidnapping people that have been exposed to the Luxem and is using their abilities.  Dawson (Daemon's twin brother) and Bethany are believed the be two of the people that have been held by the DOD.  But wait!! The DOD has been corrupted by a sub-group called Daeddelus that is trying to harness the abilities of the Luxem for their own ill-gain (greedy SOB's).  Again, the author has a great idea in providing a few chapters in Daemon's POV, which is just fun to read. 
Overall, I'm still very happy with this book series.  Sometimes I find myself less than stoked about a series when I get a few books into it.  It's kinda like with TV shows.  The first season is fantastical.  Then, about three seasons in, the storyline is twisted and so convoluted, it gets buried under a mountain of unnecessary drama.  I don't see this happening with this story line, but I'm going to wait about a week before I jump into reading the third book, Opal.  I don't want to burn myself out (like when I was reading the House of Night series.  I probably read 6 and a half of them before I was like, gah!  I gotta do something else for awhile!  And yes ... I did say a half.  I got halfway through the 7th book and had to stop because I was becoming very cynical towards the main character).  I'll read a couple of unrelated books, then come back to this series. 
Two very big thumbs up, 5 out of 5 stars, however you want to rate this book on the scale, it falls at the top for me.

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