Saturday, February 2, 2013

Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout

This is the first book in a series called Lux by Jennifer L. Armentrout.  It's centered around a 17 year old girl in the middle of West Virginia and aliens.  I have to say that I haven't devoted a lot of my reading time to aliens.  That being said, I think this is a pretty freaking original book.  Especially when this is only the second series I've read written by her, and the first series (Covenant) was a great series, but it seemed almost identical (at first) to the Vampire Academy series written by Richelle Mead.  (See the previous blog posting for more information on that series.)
Seventeen year old Katy (which to be honest, I'm flipping back and forth between pronouncing it like Katie and Catty... If only books could speak :) ) gets uprooted from her life in Florida after her dad dies from cancer.  Her mother is a nurse, so she's hardly ever around.  She, of course, moves next door to a sibling duo, which consists of the beautiful Dee and her stunningly hott brother Daemon.  Daemon is such an asshat for the majority of this book.  There are scenes where we learn a bit about the vulnerable Daemon, but mostly, he's being snarky or perverted or just downright mean.  One thing Armentrout does VERY well is provide her readers with chapters from the other character's POV, which is pretty freaking cool.  Granted, these chapters are considered bonus material, so unless you stop reading the book and find the right bonus scene to read, you'll read it when you're finished with the book.  The bonus scenes in Daemon's POV reveal so much more about his character. 
Being slowly introduced into this storyline was a bit of fresh air compared to some other urban fantasy books.  Recently, it seems like I'm thrown into a story in the middle and I spend the rest of the series catching up to exactly what the eff is going on.  I do enjoy learning about a new world as the main character does.  It's nice to dip a big toe in before jumping the rest of the way, and let me tell you, I'm totally jumping into this book series.
There is a prequel, that I didn't read first.  I'll probably go back and read that once I've read the remaining two books that have been published while I'm waiting until July for the fourth book to come out.
I'm excited to start reading Onyx!  More to come! 

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